About Sharon

About Sharon

Sharon E. Martin, PhD
Jungian Psychoanalyst
I practice Jungian Analysis and Psychotherapy in Fairview, NC. I received my bachelor’s and master’s degree from Emory University in the Psychosocial Nurse Practitioner program, obtaining advanced certification as Family Nurse Practitioner and Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist. This program introduced me to the exciting work of C. G. Jung. My fascination with his deeply spiritual and scientific approach lead to enrollment as a training candidate at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland, where I received my diploma in Analytical Psychology in 2005. During my training I became acutely interested in the relationship between culture and gender, writing my thesis on this topic.

The Diploma has been rated by UNESCO accredited educational evaluation services as equivalent to a PhD in the philosophy of psychology. It is the only degree that is recognized by the International Association for Analytical Psychology as granting the title of Jungian Analyst.

My Philosophy

My philosophy of treatment is based on the theories and principles of Analytical or Depth Psychology. I have trained in traditional forms of psychotherapy and incorporate them according to each client’s individual need.

Jung’s theory was that it is the right and privilege of every human being to live out their own unique destiny, a process he called individuation. My belief in this divine potential in every person inspires my work as a Jungian analyst. In addition to analysis and psychotherapy, I give lectures and workshops on Jungian theory.

“The individual soul is the vessel of life, and the thing of greatest importance.” – C.G.Jung